Ways to create a wedding card with a “wow factor”

Wedding cards should be unique and personalized. This is the first glimpse that one gets of the upcoming wedding and creates a first impression.  Ideally, the wedding cards needs to be a reflection of a bride and groom’s choices and preferences and an extension of their personality. A lot of thought goes into creating wedding cards that create an impact.

Here are a few ways to create a wedding card with a “wow factor”.

Use local Materials: It is important to use local material in wedding cards. Gone are the days when wedding cards used to be made of thick cardboard or plain paper. Now, with latest technology you can opt for any material. Sky is the limit. To add a local touch to your invitations you can go for local fabric to make these cards. Like, if you are looking for Sri Lanka Wedding cards, then you can use local Batik fabric in making the cards. They not only add a “Wow factor “but also helps to promote local artisans.


Use Embossing: Embossed invitations look fabulous. There is a touch of royalty that gets enhanced with embossed cards. Like if you are selecting Hindu wedding Invitations, then use a rich golden color embossing on red velvet to create the “Wow”. Embossing on a simple card immediately transforms it into something different. No matter what embossing you choose, ensure that you use contrast colors to highlight the effect.


Use religious Scriptures: Weddings are about rituals right? So, when you are selecting a wedding card you can instantly create a “wow factor “by using religious scriptures on the invite. Wondering how to do so? Well, if you are looking for  Muslim wedding cards then you can use Arabic versus on the card . if you are opting for a Buddhist Wedding cards online,  then look for one that has the famous Buddhist Chant on it Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō. So , use these religious phrases and scriptures to make your cards look different from the usual run of the mill one’s.


Use Illusions: Now, days people invite people with a wedding invitation card along with a gift  . Also, there are a few people who want to have a thematic wedding and the invitation card is created on those lines.  In order to create a “wow factor “ you can create illusions using various aspects and materials. Say, if you are looking for South Indian Wedding Invitations, then you can create the envelope of the card in the shape of a lotus. A simple lotus but when you open the envelope there is a bright card with the invitation and each petal has invitation of the various events leading to the D day. Such a wonderful card will immediately woo the guests.


There is a lot that you can do with your wedding invitations. As we said sky is the limit. Remember that it is an extension of your personality and hence you should not compromise with it.